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Mastering the Art of Transformation: Navigating Butterfly Transactions for Family-Owned Enterprises

Introduction: Unfolding the Potential of Butterfly Transactions

In the ever-evolving landscape of family-owned enterprises, the ability to adapt and restructure in a financially savvy and strategic manner is crucial to long-term success and legacy preservation. Enter the realm of butterfly transactions—a strategic avenue that, much like the metamorphosis of a butterfly, can transform your business structure in a way that is both beautiful and beneficial. This complex yet elegant solution offers a pathway for family-owned businesses to navigate the challenges of succession planning, asset division, and tax efficiency with grace and precision.

Butterfly transactions, a nuanced strategy under Canadian tax law, allow for the tax-efficient division of a company’s assets among existing or new entities, catering to the unique needs and goals of business owners and their families. Whether the aim is to facilitate a smooth transition to the next generation, resolve shareholder disputes, or restructure operations, butterfly transactions provide a solution that can be tailored to each family’s aspirations and business objectives.

The beauty of a butterfly transaction lies in its ability to achieve these goals while minimizing tax liabilities, preserving the value of the business, and ensuring compliance with the intricate web of tax regulations. It’s a strategy that requires a careful balance of legal expertise, tax planning, and strategic foresight—a balance that, when achieved, can lead to a prosperous future for family-owned enterprises.

As we delve into the world of butterfly transactions, we invite you to explore the potential that these strategic reorganizations hold for your family-owned business. With the right guidance and expertise, unlocking the benefits of a butterfly transaction can be a transformative step toward achieving your business and family goals. Let’s embark on this journey together, unraveling the complexities and discovering how butterfly transactions can guide your enterprise toward a successful and enduring legacy.


Understanding Butterfly Transactions for Family-Owned Enterprises in Canada


In the complex world of tax planning and corporate restructuring, butterfly transactions stand out as a sophisticated strategy particularly relevant to family-owned enterprises in Canada. These transactions, when executed within the framework of the Canadian Income Tax Act, offer a pathway to reorganize business assets in a tax-efficient manner. This section aims to demystify butterfly transactions, providing family-owned businesses with the foundational knowledge needed to consider this strategy as part of their tax planning and succession efforts.

What is a Butterfly Transaction?

At its core, a butterfly transaction is a form of corporate reorganization that allows a company to divide its assets among two or more corporations, which are usually owned by different members of the same family. The term “butterfly” metaphorically represents the division of a single entity into two, much like the wings of a butterfly. This division can be particularly advantageous for family-owned enterprises looking to separate business operations, facilitate succession planning, or resolve disputes among shareholders without triggering immediate tax liabilities.

There are two primary types of butterfly transactions recognized under Canadian tax law: the “divisional” butterfly and the “non-divisional” butterfly. Each serves different purposes and is subject to specific sets of rules and conditions.

Divisional Butterfly

The divisional butterfly, often used for succession planning or separating business units among family members, involves distributing the assets of a corporation into new or existing corporations based on the underlying business operations. This method is highly regulated, requiring that the businesses being separated have been carried on by the original corporation or a related entity for a specific period before the reorganization.

Non-Divisional Butterfly

The non-divisional butterfly is typically employed in situations where shareholders wish to go their separate ways, distributing the assets of a single corporation among them through new or existing entities. Unlike the divisional butterfly, this approach does not necessitate the separation based on different business operations but is still subject to stringent conditions to ensure compliance with tax laws.

Objectives of Butterfly Transactions in Family-Owned Enterprises

Butterfly transactions are not a one-size-fits-all solution; they must be carefully tailored to meet the specific goals of a family-owned enterprise. These objectives can range from tax efficiency and asset protection to succession planning and dispute resolution.

Succession Planning

One of the most compelling applications of butterfly transactions is in succession planning. For family-owned enterprises looking to pass control to the next generation, a butterfly transaction can facilitate the transfer of assets to different family members or branches of the family in a manner that minimizes tax implications. This is particularly useful in complex family situations where different members may wish to take over different aspects of the business.

Tax Efficiency

Tax efficiency is a critical consideration for any business, and butterfly transactions can be structured to defer taxes that would otherwise arise from a direct sale or transfer of assets. By carefully adhering to the provisions of the Income Tax Act, family-owned enterprises can reorganize their operations in a way that splits the business while deferring capital gains taxes and other immediate tax liabilities.

Asset Protection

Butterfly transactions can also serve as a tool for asset protection. By dividing the business among separate legal entities, family-owned enterprises can isolate different business operations or assets from potential liabilities. This separation can be crucial in protecting the ongoing viability of the business in the face of challenges or disputes.

Key Considerations for Butterfly Transactions

Despite their advantages, butterfly transactions are complex and governed by a myriad of rules under the Canadian Income Tax Act. Compliance with these rules is paramount to ensure that the reorganization achieves its intended tax-efficient outcomes without unintended consequences.

  • Pre-Transaction Planning: Before undertaking a butterfly transaction, thorough planning is essential to assess the suitability of this strategy for the business’s specific needs and goals. This includes evaluating the tax implications, legal requirements, and the operational impact of dividing the business.
  • Compliance with Tax Laws: The execution of a butterfly transaction must strictly adhere to the relevant sections of the Income Tax Act, particularly those governing tax-deferred corporate reorganizations. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in significant tax liabilities and penalties.
  • Professional Advice: Given the complexity of butterfly transactions, seeking professional advice from tax experts and legal advisors with experience in this area is crucial. These professionals can guide family-owned enterprises through the process, ensuring compliance and optimizing the transaction’s structure for tax efficiency and strategic objectives.

In conclusion, butterfly transactions represent a powerful tool for family-owned enterprises in Canada, offering a pathway to reorganize business assets in a tax-efficient manner. Whether the goal is succession planning, tax efficiency, or asset protection, these transactions require careful consideration and expert guidance to navigate the intricate landscape of Canadian tax law successfully. By understanding the fundamental aspects of butterfly transactions, family-owned businesses can begin to explore this strategy as a potential solution to meet their unique needs and objectives.

The Legal and Tax Implications of Butterfly Transactions for Family-Owned Enterprises

Family-owned enterprises in Canada considering butterfly transactions as part of their corporate restructuring must navigate a complex landscape of legal and tax implications. This section delves into the critical elements of the Income Tax Act relevant to butterfly transactions, highlighting the potential benefits and pitfalls to help these businesses make informed decisions.

The Income Tax Act and Butterfly Transactions

The foundation of understanding butterfly transactions lies within the Canadian Income Tax Act, particularly sections 55 and 85, among others. These sections outline the conditions under which assets can be transferred between corporations in a tax-deferred manner, a crucial aspect of butterfly transactions.

Section 55 – Anti-Avoidance Rules

Section 55 is particularly significant as it contains anti-avoidance rules designed to prevent the inappropriate reduction of capital gains through inter-corporate dividends. In the context of butterfly transactions, careful attention must be paid to ensure that the division of assets does not primarily serve to circumvent capital gains taxes. This section mandates that certain criteria be met, including the purpose of the transaction and the nature of the dividends paid as part of the reorganization, to qualify for tax-deferred treatment.

Section 85 – Rollovers

Section 85 allows for the transfer of assets from an individual or a partnership to a corporation, or between corporations, at elected amounts. This provision can be utilized in butterfly transactions to defer recognition of income or gains on the transfer of assets, provided specific conditions are met, including filing the appropriate election forms and adhering to prescribed deadlines.

Tax Implications for Family-Owned Enterprises

The execution of a butterfly transaction can offer significant tax advantages for family-owned enterprises, including the deferral of taxes and the efficient distribution of assets. However, these benefits come with stringent conditions to ensure compliance with tax laws.

Capital Gains Tax Deferral

One of the primary advantages of a properly structured butterfly transaction is the deferral of capital gains tax. By transferring assets at their tax basis, the transaction can be structured in a way that the recognition of capital gains is deferred, potentially resulting in significant tax savings.

Potential for Double Taxation

However, family-owned enterprises must be cautious of scenarios that could lead to double taxation. This risk can arise if the transaction is not structured correctly, particularly if the assets being divided have appreciated in value. Without proper planning and adherence to tax laws, the corporation and its shareholders might face taxation at both the corporate and personal levels.

Attribution Rules

The Income Tax Act’s attribution rules must also be considered in the planning of butterfly transactions. These rules are designed to prevent the shifting of income from a higher-tax-rate taxpayer to a lower-tax-rate taxpayer within a family unit. Proper structuring and documentation are essential to avoid unintended tax consequences that could arise from the application of these rules.

Legal Requirements and Compliance Issues

Beyond tax considerations, butterfly transactions involve several legal requirements and compliance issues that must be meticulously managed.

Corporate Law Considerations

The reorganization must comply with the applicable corporate law provisions, which may involve approvals from directors and shareholders, amendments to the articles of incorporation, and possibly court approvals. These legal steps are necessary to ensure that the reorganization is valid and binding on all parties.

Documentation and Reporting

Comprehensive documentation is crucial in demonstrating compliance with tax laws and corporate statutes. This includes the preparation of legal agreements, tax election forms, corporate resolutions, and other relevant documents. Additionally, timely reporting to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and adherence to specific filing deadlines are paramount to maintaining the tax-deferred status of the transaction.

CRA Rulings

Given the complexity and potential tax implications of butterfly transactions, obtaining a ruling from the CRA can provide certainty regarding the tax treatment of the reorganization. While not mandatory, a CRA ruling can offer peace of mind by confirming that the planned transaction meets the requirements for tax-deferred treatment under the Income Tax Act.

Navigating Challenges with Professional Guidance

The intricacies of butterfly transactions underscore the necessity of professional guidance. Tax experts and legal advisors play a crucial role in navigating the maze of regulations, ensuring compliance, and optimizing the transaction’s structure to achieve the desired outcomes.

Importance of Expertise

The expertise of professionals who specialize in tax law and corporate restructuring is invaluable. They can identify potential issues, propose solutions, and tailor the transaction to align with the strategic objectives of the family-owned enterprise while minimizing tax liabilities and legal risks.

Every family-owned enterprise is unique, with its own set of challenges and ambitions. Professional advisors can provide tailored advice that considers the specific circumstances and goals of the business, ensuring that the butterfly transaction is structured to meet these needs effectively.

In conclusion, butterfly transactions offer a strategic avenue for family-owned enterprises in Canada to reorganize their assets in a tax-efficient manner. However, the benefits of these transactions come with a responsibility to adhere to the complex web of legal and tax implications outlined in the Canadian Income Tax Act. By understanding these implications and seeking professional guidance, family-owned businesses can navigate the process successfully, ensuring that their reorganization aligns with their long-term objectives while maintaining compliance with tax laws.


Strategic Considerations for Family-Owned Enterprises Engaging in Butterfly Transactions

Butterfly transactions, with their ability to reorganize assets in a tax-efficient manner, present a valuable opportunity for family-owned enterprises in Canada. However, the success of these transactions depends not only on navigating legal and tax complexities but also on strategic planning and alignment with the family and business goals. This section explores the strategic considerations that family-owned enterprises must weigh before, during, and after undertaking butterfly transactions.

Aligning with Long-term Business and Family Goals

The decision to undertake a butterfly transaction should be driven by a clear understanding of the family-owned enterprise’s long-term business and family goals. Whether the objective is to facilitate succession planning, optimize tax efficiency, or resolve shareholder disputes, the transaction must be tailored to these ends.

Vision and Objectives

Family businesses are often deeply intertwined with the family’s values and vision for the future. Before proceeding with a butterfly transaction, it’s essential to articulate these values and ensure that the reorganization supports them. This may involve discussions and planning sessions with key family members and stakeholders to align on the objectives of the transaction.

Succession Planning

For many family-owned enterprises, succession planning is a critical concern. A butterfly transaction can be an effective tool for transitioning ownership and control to the next generation in a structured manner. However, the process requires careful planning to ensure that the business remains viable and the family’s legacy is preserved. This might involve creating separate entities for different branches of the family, each aligned with the future leaders’ skills and interests.

Operational and Financial Considerations

The impact of a butterfly transaction on the operations and financial health of the family-owned enterprise cannot be overstated. Detailed analysis and planning are required to ensure that the business emerges from the reorganization strong and ready to achieve its strategic objectives.

Business Valuation and Asset Allocation

An accurate valuation of the business and its assets is crucial to the success of a butterfly transaction. This valuation will inform the division of assets among the new or existing entities and must be conducted with fairness and transparency to avoid future disputes. Additionally, the allocation of assets should consider the operational needs and strategic direction of each segment of the business post-transaction.

Financial Planning and Liquidity

Butterfly transactions can have significant implications for the financial planning and liquidity of the family-owned enterprise. It’s essential to model the financial outcomes of the reorganization, considering potential tax liabilities, cash flow implications, and the need for liquidity to support business operations and growth initiatives in each new entity.

Communication and Conflict Resolution

Effective communication is critical to the success of any corporate reorganization, particularly in the context of family-owned businesses where personal relationships and emotions can influence business decisions.

Keeping Stakeholders Informed

Throughout the planning and execution of a butterfly transaction, keeping all stakeholders informed is vital. This includes not only family members but also employees, customers, suppliers, and other business partners. Transparent communication can help to manage expectations, mitigate concerns, and ensure a smooth transition.

Addressing Potential Conflicts

The reorganization of a family-owned enterprise can bring to the surface underlying family conflicts or disagreements over the direction of the business. Proactively addressing these issues, possibly with the help of external mediators or family business consultants, can prevent disputes from derailing the transaction. It’s important to establish clear governance structures and dispute-resolution mechanisms as part of the reorganization process.

Legal and Tax Planning

While the strategic considerations of a butterfly transaction are paramount, they must be executed within the framework of legal and tax planning to ensure compliance and optimize outcomes.

Integration with Estate Planning

For family-owned enterprises, the butterfly transaction should be integrated with the family’s estate planning. This ensures that the reorganization aligns with the family’s wealth transfer goals and minimizes estate taxes while preserving the business’s legacy for future generations.

Leveraging Professional Expertise

Given the complexity of butterfly transactions, leveraging the expertise of tax professionals, legal advisors, and business consultants is essential. These professionals can provide the specialized knowledge and experience needed to navigate the intricacies of the transaction, from tax implications to corporate governance and operational restructuring.

In conclusion, butterfly transactions offer family-owned enterprises a strategic tool for achieving their long-term goals, whether related to succession planning, tax efficiency, or resolving internal disputes. However, the success of these transactions requires careful consideration of a broad range of strategic, operational, and financial factors. By aligning the transaction with the family and business objectives, conducting thorough planning and analysis, and engaging in effective communication and conflict resolution, family-owned enterprises can navigate the complexities of butterfly transactions to secure a prosperous future for the business and the family alike.


Case Studies on Butterfly Transactions in Family-Owned Enterprises

Butterfly transactions, with their intricate blend of tax efficiency, strategic restructuring, and legal compliance, can significantly impact family-owned enterprises facing transition. The following case studies illustrate the practical application of butterfly transactions in diverse scenarios, demonstrating their versatility and strategic value.

Case Study 1: Division of a Construction Company Amidst Divorce


In this scenario, a couple co-owned a successful construction company specializing in both home building and renovations, including roofing and siding. Following their decision to separate and divorce, the couple faced the challenge of dividing the business in a way that allowed both parties to move forward independently while maintaining the economic viability of their respective divisions.

The Challenge

The primary challenge was to separate the construction company’s two main divisions without incurring significant tax liabilities or disrupting ongoing operations. Additionally, the emotional complexities of the divorce required a solution that was not only financially sound but also equitable to both parties.

The Solution: A Divisional Butterfly Transaction

The couple opted for a divisional butterfly transaction to split the business. This approach allowed for the separation of assets related to home building and renovations into two distinct corporations. The husband took ownership of the home building division, while the wife took over the renovations division, focusing on roofing and siding.

Execution and Outcome

  1. Valuation and Planning: The first step involved a detailed valuation of the company’s assets and operations to ensure a fair division. This process was guided by tax professionals and legal advisors to align with the strategic goals of each party and comply with tax laws.
  2. Structural Reorganization: The assets and liabilities of each division were meticulously identified and allocated to the respective new corporations. This required careful consideration of ongoing projects, employee assignments, and supplier contracts to ensure a seamless transition.
  3. Tax Efficiency: Through the divisional butterfly transaction, both new corporations were structured to minimize immediate tax implications. The allocation of assets was done in such a way that both parties could utilize available tax planning strategies, including the use of rollovers under section 85 of the Income Tax Act, to defer potential capital gains.
  4. Final Outcome: The transaction resulted in the successful division of the construction company into two independent entities, each owned by one of the former spouses. This allowed both individuals to pursue their professional paths separately while minimizing the tax burden and ensuring the continuity of their business operations.

Case Study 2: Sale of Homecare Facilities and Capital Gains Exemption


A corporation owned several homecare facilities under one company. The owners wished to sell two of these facilities, aiming to capitalize on their lifetime capital gains exemption, a critical consideration for maximizing the financial benefits of the sale.

The Challenge

The main challenge was to structure the sale in a manner that allowed the owners to claim their lifetime capital gains exemption while ensuring that the remaining facilities could continue operations unaffected. Additionally, the transaction needed to be structured to minimize the tax implications of the sale.

The Solution: Asset Reallocation and Sale

To meet these objectives, a strategic butterfly transaction was employed. This involved moving the assets not related to the two facilities being sold into a separate entity, which allowed the exiting entity to then be sold. This separation allowed the transaction to qualify for the lifetime capital gains exemption, under the right conditions.

Execution and Outcome

  1. Asset Reallocation: Assets and operations of the two facilities not earmarked for sale were carefully segregated and transferred to a new entity. This step required detailed planning to ensure all relevant assets were included, and operations could continue seamlessly post-transfer.
  2. Sale of the Entity: The entity containing the assets of the two facilities was sold. This structure allowed the owners to claim their lifetime capital gains exemption, significantly reducing the tax owed on the sale.
  3. Managing Tax Implications: While the transaction was structured to maximize tax efficiency, the owners were subject to the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT). However, this was substantially less than the potential tax liabilities without the use of a butterfly transaction.
  4. Retention of Remaining Assets: The onew corporation retained ownership of the other homecare facilities, ensuring the continuity of the broader business. The strategic separation of assets ensured that the sale did not impact the operations or financial stability of these remaining facilities.
  5. Final Outcome: The transaction successfully allowed the sale of the two facilities with minimal tax implications, leveraging the lifetime capital gains exemption. The owners retained the remaining business assets in another entity, positioning the enterprise for continued success and growth.

These case studies exemplify the strategic utility of butterfly transactions in navigating complex personal and business transitions within family-owned enterprises. By carefully planning and executing these transactions, businesses can achieve tax efficiency, equitable asset division, and strategic restructuring, aligning with long-term objectives and ensuring the continuity and success of the enterprise. Engaging with tax professionals and legal advisors is paramount in these scenarios, ensuring that the transactions comply with Canadian tax laws and serve the best interests of all parties involved.

Navigating the Process with Expert Guidance: The Key to Successful Butterfly Transactions

The intricate world of butterfly transactions, as illustrated through various case studies, underscores the pivotal role of expert guidance in navigating these complex processes. For family-owned enterprises considering such a strategic reorganization, the journey involves much more than merely splitting assets or restructuring operations. It’s about ensuring the business’s longevity, aligning with familial and business goals, and optimizing tax outcomes. This section delves into the importance of professional advice and the comprehensive support needed to make butterfly transactions a success.

The Complexity of Butterfly Transactions

Butterfly transactions are not merely legal or financial maneuvers; they are strategic reorganizations that require a deep understanding of tax laws, corporate structure, and family dynamics. The complexity of these transactions arises from the need to balance these elements, ensuring compliance with the Canadian Income Tax Act while meeting the specific needs of the business and its owners. This complexity necessitates a multidisciplinary approach, blending tax expertise, legal advice, and strategic planning.

The Role of Professional Advisors

Tax Experts

Tax professionals play a crucial role in navigating the tax implications of butterfly transactions. Their expertise is vital in structuring the transaction to minimize tax liabilities, ensuring compliance with relevant sections of the Income Tax Act, and leveraging tax planning strategies such as capital gains exemptions and tax-deferred transfers. These experts can provide invaluable advice on the timing, structure, and execution of the transaction to optimize tax outcomes.

Legal Advisors

Legal advisors are essential for ensuring that the butterfly transaction adheres to corporate laws and regulations. They guide the legal structuring of the transaction, prepare and review the necessary documentation, and manage corporate governance issues. Their insights are particularly crucial in addressing the legal intricacies of asset transfers, shareholder agreements, and corporate restructuring, ensuring that the transaction is legally sound and binding.

Strategic Business Consultants

Strategic business consultants offer a broader perspective, aligning the transaction with the long-term goals and vision of the family and the enterprise. They work closely with tax and legal professionals to ensure that the strategic objectives of the transaction—whether related to succession planning, operational efficiency, or conflict resolution—are achieved. Their role is to ensure that the reorganization supports the business’s growth and sustainability.

Tailored Advice for Unique Situations

Each family-owned enterprise has its own unique set of challenges, goals, and dynamics. Professional advisors provide tailored advice, taking into account the specific circumstances and objectives of the business and its owners. This personalized approach is critical for ensuring that the butterfly transaction not only meets legal and tax requirements but also aligns with the personal and professional aspirations of the stakeholders involved.

The Importance of Comprehensive Planning

Comprehensive planning is the cornerstone of a successful butterfly transaction. This involves a detailed analysis of the current business structure, financial health, and operational needs, as well as the personal and professional goals of the family members involved. Professional advisors play a key role in this planning process, offering insights and strategies to navigate potential challenges and capitalize on opportunities.

Final Thoughts: Achieving Success with Expert Guidance

Butterfly transactions represent a significant opportunity for family-owned enterprises to restructure in a way that supports their long-term success. However, the complexity of these transactions demands a high level of expertise and careful planning. By engaging with tax professionals, legal advisors, and strategic business consultants, businesses can navigate the intricacies of butterfly transactions, ensuring compliance, optimizing tax outcomes, and achieving their strategic objectives.

In conclusion, for family-owned enterprises contemplating a butterfly transaction, the message is clear: leverage the expertise of seasoned professionals to guide you through the process. Their knowledge and insight are invaluable in transforming complex challenges into strategic opportunities, paving the way for a successful reorganization that aligns with your ambitions and guides you towards your goals. Remember, in the journey of corporate restructuring, expert guidance is not just an option—it’s a necessity.

Conclusion: Charting Your Path to Success with Shajani CPA

Navigating the complexities of butterfly transactions presents both a challenge and an opportunity for family-owned enterprises. As we’ve explored throughout this series, the success of such a strategic reorganization hinge on a deep understanding of tax laws, meticulous legal compliance, and a clear alignment with your business and family goals. The intricacies involved underscore the necessity of expert guidance—a beacon to light the way through the complexities of corporate restructuring.

At Shajani CPA, we recognize the unique challenges and opportunities that butterfly transactions present. Our team of seasoned tax professionals, legal advisors, and strategic business consultants brings a wealth of experience and a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach to each transaction. We are committed to providing tailored advice that aligns with the specific needs and objectives of your family-owned enterprise, ensuring a seamless transition that optimizes tax outcomes, adheres to legal requirements, and supports your long-term success.

Why Choose Shajani CPA?

Expertise and Experience: Our professionals possess deep expertise in Canadian tax law, corporate restructuring, and strategic business planning. We have successfully guided numerous family-owned enterprises through the complexities of butterfly transactions, ensuring compliance and maximizing tax efficiency.

Tailored Strategic Advice: We understand that each business and family situation is unique. Our approach is personalized, taking into consideration your specific circumstances, goals, and aspirations. We work closely with you to craft a strategy that not only meets legal and tax requirements but also aligns with your vision for the future.

Comprehensive Support: At Shajani CPA, we offer more than just tax advice. Our team provides end-to-end support throughout the transaction process, from initial planning and analysis to execution and post-transaction integration. We are here to ensure that every aspect of your reorganization supports your strategic objectives.

A Trusted Partner: We pride ourselves on building lasting relationships with our clients. As your trusted partner, we are committed to guiding you through not just the complexities of a butterfly transaction but also your broader business challenges and opportunities.

In the journey toward realizing your ambitions, the path may seem complex, but you don’t have to navigate it alone. With Shajani CPA by your side, you have a partner equipped with the knowledge, experience, and dedication to guide you to your destination.

Taking the Next Step

If you’re considering a butterfly transaction or any form of corporate restructuring, we invite you to reach out to us. Let’s discuss how we can support your ambitions and guide your family-owned enterprise toward a successful and prosperous future. Together, we can chart a path that not only navigates the complexities of today’s business landscape but also leads to enduring success.

At Shajani CPA, we are more than just advisors; we are your partners in achieving your goals. “Tell us your ambitions, and we will guide you there.” Contact us today to embark on a journey toward success.

This information is for discussion purposes only and should not be considered professional advice. There is no guarantee or warrant of information on this site and it should be noted that rules and laws change regularly. You should consult a professional before considering implementing or taking any action based on information on this site. Call our team for a consultation before taking any action. ©2024 Shajani CPA.

Shajani CPA is a CPA Calgary, Edmonton and Red Deer firm and provides Accountant, Bookkeeping, Tax Advice and Tax Planning service.

Nizam Shajani, Partner, LLM, CPA, CA, TEP, MBA

I enjoy formulating plans that help my clients meet their objectives. It's this sense of pride in service that facilitates client success which forms the culture of Shajani CPA.

Shajani Professional Accountants has offices in Calgary, Edmonton and Red Deer, Alberta. We’re here to support you in all of your personal and business tax and other accounting needs.