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Five Ways to Transfer an Estate
Nizam Shajani, CPA, CA, MBA
October 19, 2020
“What I know for sure is that what you give comes back to you.” – Oprah Winfrey.
When creating or updating an estate plan, there are at least five methods for transferring estate assets to family members or other beneficiaries:
- A Will & Last Testament
- Ensures that property will be distributed to beneficiaries as intended
- Can appoint an executor to act on your behalf and carry out your wishes
- Is subject to probate but probate fees in Alberta were capped at $400 in 2014 – however assets held outside of Alberta may be subject to higher probate fees.
- Joint Ownership
- Property flows to the joint owner or intended person and is not subject to probate
- Right of Survivorship ensures that the asset passes to a surviving spouse without delays
- Simplifies administration of an estate
- A trust is created if the intended beneficiary of the property were to die first
- Gift Assets While Living
- Can trigger tax on any accrued gains on capital property at lower rates over a period
- Can assist beneficiaries with a home purchase or help to finance a business while living
- Can include RESP’s or purchase of life insurance for grandchildren
- Can gift assets on your deathbed through an enduring power of attorney
- Living/Family Trusts
- Involves a settlor who transfers ownership of property to a trustee and provides instructions to a trustee regarding the use of the property for the benefit of the beneficiaries
- A trust is considered to be a separate person for tax purposes in Canada
- Can set up as an inter vivos trust while living or as a testamentary trust pursuant to a will
- Allows for income splitting for family members from investment assets
- An effective tool for succession of a family business to children that are active in a business
- A beneficiary’s creditors cannot seize family trust assets
- Subject to a deemed disposition rule every 21 years
- Designate a Beneficiary
- Works best with retirement plans, annuities and life insurance policies
- Property flows to the designated beneficiary if over the age of 18 and does not form part of a person’s estate that would be subject to probate
Estate planning is unique for most individuals depending on their circumstances. That makes it important to consult with a qualified and knowledgeable professional advisor when making an estate plan to ensure that objectives for the distribution of estate assets to beneficiaries will be met in a tax and cost efficient manner while considering what it is that you want to achieve.
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