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Attracting and Retaining Key Employees
Attracting and Retaining Key Employees
by Nizam Shajani, CPA, CA, MBA
As governments consider a revision to stock option plans – as of today, this is still a viable option to attracting and retaining key employees.
In an environment of low cash flow, attracting and retaining talent can be a formidable challenge. A company that develops a model that makes its employees feel engaged with an opportunity for advancement will likely be more successful in retaining its talent and have an edge on its competition. There are a number of different arrangements available to Canadian Controlled Private Corporations (CCPC’s) that can be considered and undertaken with the appropriate professional advice.
For example, stock options are a popular option as an increase in the value of a corporation over time will benefit both existing shareholders and employees owning stock options. Stock options are granted under an agreement to issue securities, whereby a corporation provides its employees with a right to acquire securities of the corporation or another corporation that it does not deal at arm’s length. For a CCPC, an employee does not have any taxes in the year in which the options are exercised and shares are acquired. This is a significant incentive compared to employees of public corporations who have a taxing event that arises at the time the employee acquires the shares.
For an employee of a CCPC, taxes are deferred until a subsequent period when the employee disposes of the shares. The difference in the share price from the acquisition date to the date of disposal of the share will result in a taxable gain or loss. If the CCPC is dealing at arm’s length with the employee and if the employee holds the shares for at least two years, a 50% deduction is available against any employment income inclusion for the benefit arising from the stock option which is the same as income taxed as a capital gain. This is the second significant incentive to this type of arrangement.
Some other significant benefits can be realized from the perspective of the CCPC as an employer from a stock option plan:
- develop employee loyalty and give the employee an interest in the well-being of the business
- allow funds to be raised for the business
- provide an exit strategy for the founder of the business through a natural succession plan
- encourage employee retention where equity ownership is a significant portion of compensation
However, there can be some pitfalls to be aware of in structuring a stock option benefit plan for key employees of a CCPC:
- a CCPC cannot claim a deduction for the issuance or exercise of the stock option
- if shares are issued to employees at less than Fair Market Value (FMV) and later sold at a loss, tax on the deferred benefit would still be payable
- there may be a requirement to obtain a valuation particularly if the Canada Revenue Agency decides to launch a challenge
- if it is determined that a deemed benefit arises if shares are issued for less than FMV, there is a tax withholding requirement that the CCPC could be subject to with respect to the benefit
- Once options are exercised, employees become shareholders and are entitled to shareholder rights including access to financial information
In addition – there is the risk that plans put in place are not grandfathered in within new budget proposals to be introduced in the coming months.
If you are considering setting up a stock option plan, contact your Shajani LLP advisor to help you determine how this strategy will apply to you and if so, to help you take advantage of it.
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