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Maximizing Capital Cost Allowance (CCA)

Introduction to Maximizing Capital Cost Allowance (CCA) Benefits for Family-Owned Enterprises

Navigating the world of taxes can often feel like trying to find your way through a dense forest without a map. For Canadian family-owned enterprises, understanding and utilizing the Capital Cost Allowance (CCA) can be a beacon of light, guiding businesses to significant tax savings and financial optimization. The CCA is not just a tax deduction—it’s a strategic tool that, when used wisely, can enhance cash flow, and support the growth and sustainability of your business.

At its essence, the CCA allows businesses to deduct the cost of depreciable assets—things like buildings, equipment, and machinery—over a period of time. This reflects the wear and tear of these assets as they age and are used in your business operations. However, the rules and opportunities surrounding the CCA are intricate, involving various asset classes, rates, and strategies for maximization.

In this blog, we delve into the complexities of the CCA, offering a comprehensive guide designed for family-owned enterprises across Canada. From understanding the basics to strategic timing of asset purchases, leveraging enhanced first-year allowances, and integrating these strategies into your broader business and tax planning, we cover it all. Through real-world case studies, we showcase how strategic planning and expert advice can lead to substantial tax savings and contribute to your business’s success.

Whether you’re planning a significant acquisition, navigating a merger, or simply looking to optimize your current asset base, this guide is tailored to help you unlock the full potential of the CCA. With the right approach and guidance, you can turn what seems like a complex tax rule into a powerful ally for your business.

Join us as we embark on this journey to demystify the CCA, empowering you and your family-owned enterprise to make informed decisions that align with your ambitions and propel your business forward. Your path to optimized tax benefits and sustained growth starts here.


Understanding the Capital Cost Allowance (CCA)

In the realm of Canadian tax law, the Capital Cost Allowance (CCA) stands as a cornerstone for businesses seeking to strategically manage their taxable income through the depreciation of tangible and intangible assets. This allowance is not merely a tax deduction; it is a powerful tool that reflects the wear and tear, or depreciation, of property and equipment used in earning income over time. For family-owned enterprises in Canada, a deep understanding of CCA can unlock potential tax savings and foster a more robust financial strategy.

What Is the Capital Cost Allowance?

At its core, the CCA is a method by which businesses can deduct the cost of certain assets from their taxable income over the years. This system recognizes that assets such as buildings, machinery, vehicles, and equipment gradually lose value through use and age. Unlike direct expenses that are fully deductible in the year they are incurred, capital costs are capitalized and deducted over the useful life of the asset, providing a smoother financial picture and reflecting the actual usage of the asset in generating income.

The Importance of CCA in Tax Planning

For Canadian family-owned enterprises, effective tax planning is essential for maximizing profitability and ensuring the long-term success of the business. The CCA plays a pivotal role in this planning by allowing businesses to defer taxes and improve cash flow. By reducing taxable income in the early years of an asset’s life, businesses can reinvest the deferred tax dollars into operations, expansion, or debt reduction, enhancing financial flexibility and growth potential.

Categories of Assets and CCA Rates

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) classifies depreciable assets into different classes, with each class having its specific CCA rate. These rates determine the percentage of the asset’s cost that can be deducted each year. For instance, Class 1 includes most buildings with a CCA rate of 4%, while Class 10 includes general machinery and equipment with a rate of 30%. Intangible assets, such as patents and copyrights, are also eligible for CCA deductions under specific classes.

It’s crucial for business owners to accurately classify their assets to take full advantage of the CCA rates. Misclassification can lead to missed opportunities for tax savings or, conversely, compliance issues with the CRA.

How CCA Works: An Example

To illustrate how CCA works, consider a family-owned manufacturing enterprise that purchases a new piece of equipment for $100,000, classified under Class 10 with a CCA rate of 30%. In the first year, assuming a half-year rule applies, the business can claim a deduction of $15,000 (30% of $100,000, halved for the first year). This deduction reduces the taxable income, thereby lowering the tax liability for the year. In subsequent years, the deduction is calculated on the declining balance of the asset’s cost, allowing for a smaller yet consistent tax benefit.

Strategies for Maximizing CCA Benefits

To maximize CCA benefits, businesses must consider the timing of asset purchases, the selection of assets with favorable CCA rates, and the use of available elections such as the Accelerated Investment Incentive. This incentive allows businesses to claim a higher initial deduction for certain assets, further reducing taxable income in the year of acquisition.

Moreover, understanding the nuances of specific asset classes and leveraging the enhanced first-year allowances can significantly impact a business’s tax strategy. For example, assets acquired that are environmentally friendly or that promote energy efficiency may qualify for enhanced allowances, providing an immediate boost to tax savings and aligning with sustainable business practices.

The Capital Cost Allowance is an essential element of tax planning for family-owned enterprises in Canada. By allowing for the depreciation of assets over their useful lives, the CCA provides a mechanism for businesses to manage their taxable income effectively. However, the complexity of CCA rules and classifications requires a thorough understanding and strategic approach to asset management and tax planning.

Family-owned businesses are encouraged to consult with tax professionals who can provide personalized advice and strategies for maximizing CCA benefits. With the right approach, businesses can enhance their financial flexibility, support growth initiatives, and navigate the complexities of tax law with confidence.

In conclusion, the CCA offers a valuable opportunity for Canadian family-owned enterprises to manage their tax liabilities and support their business ambitions. By delving into the rules and strategies surrounding the CCA, businesses can uncover potential savings and position themselves for long-term success. As your partner in this journey, my aim is to guide you through the intricacies of tax planning, leveraging my expertise to help you achieve your financial goals. Together, we can navigate the path to prosperity, ensuring that your business thrives for generations to come.

Strategic Timing of Asset Purchases

For family-owned enterprises in Canada, the strategic timing of asset purchases is not merely a financial decision—it’s a pivotal tax planning tactic that significantly influences the Capital Cost Allowance (CCA) benefits a business can claim. Understanding how the timing of these acquisitions impacts CCA deductions can lead to substantial tax savings, improving cash flow and financial flexibility. This section delves into the intricacies of timing asset purchases to maximize the benefits of CCA deductions.

The Essence of Timing in Asset Acquisitions

The timing of acquiring an asset plays a crucial role in how much CCA can be claimed in the year of purchase and subsequent years. Canadian tax law includes provisions such as the half-year rule, which affects the first year’s CCA claim by allowing only half of the CCA deduction in the year an asset is put into use. This rule underscores the importance of timing, especially towards the fiscal year-end, as purchasing just before year-end can defer significant tax deductions to the following year.

Navigating the Half-Year Rule

The half-year rule is designed to simplify the CCA calculations by assuming that assets are acquired and disposed of at the midpoint of the fiscal year, regardless of the actual purchase date. For strategic planning, this means that an asset purchased late in the fiscal year will have the same first-year CCA deduction as one bought early in the year. However, the full impact of this deduction won’t be felt until the subsequent tax year. Businesses should, therefore, consider whether accelerating or delaying purchases could result in more immediate tax relief or defer tax liabilities, depending on their current income and projected future earnings.

Leveraging Fiscal Year-End Timing

For family-owned enterprises, aligning asset purchases with their fiscal year-end can be a strategic move. Purchasing assets just before the fiscal year-end can maximize the CCA deduction in the subsequent year, providing a quicker return on investment through tax savings. Conversely, if an enterprise anticipates higher income in the following fiscal year, delaying purchases to the beginning of the new fiscal year could spread the tax relief more advantageously over time, aligning deductions with periods of higher tax liability.

Impact of Enhanced First-Year Allowances

The introduction of enhanced first-year allowances, such as the Accelerated Investment Incentive, adds another layer to the strategic timing of asset purchases. This incentive allows a higher percentage of CCA to be claimed in the year of acquisition for certain assets, effectively superseding the half-year rule and providing an immediate boost to tax savings. Understanding the specific conditions and eligibility for these enhanced allowances is crucial for timing purchases to leverage these benefits fully.

Case Study: Maximizing CCA Through Strategic Timing

Consider a family-owned manufacturing business evaluating the purchase of a new production line costing $500,000, eligible for a 30% CCA rate under Class 10. By purchasing this asset in the last quarter of the fiscal year, the business can claim the half-year rule in the acquisition year, followed by a substantial CCA deduction in the next year, aligning significant tax savings with a period of projected revenue growth.

Future-Proofing Purchases with Anticipated Tax Changes

Tax laws and rates are subject to change, and foresight into these changes can significantly impact the timing of asset purchases. For instance, if a reduction in corporate tax rates is anticipated, it may be advantageous to accelerate asset purchases to claim deductions against higher current rates. Similarly, changes in CCA rules or the introduction of new incentives for certain asset classes could influence the timing and nature of purchases.

Considerations for Asset Disposals

Strategic timing isn’t just about when to buy—it also involves knowing when to sell or dispose of assets. The recapture of CCA and terminal losses upon disposal of assets can have significant tax implications. Planning disposals in years with lower income can mitigate the impact of recapture, while disposing of assets in higher income years can offset gains with terminal losses.

Practical Tips for Timing Asset Purchases

Year-End Planning: Review your asset needs as part of your year-end tax planning process to align purchases with your business’s tax strategy.

Monitor Legislative Changes: Stay informed about changes in tax laws and CCA regulations that could affect the optimal timing for asset acquisitions.

Consult with Tax Professionals: Engage with tax experts who can provide insights into the most advantageous timing for asset purchases, taking into account your enterprise’s specific financial situation and goals.

The strategic timing of asset purchases represents a nuanced yet powerful avenue for family-owned enterprises to optimize their CCA benefits, thereby reducing taxable income and enhancing financial health. By carefully considering the timing of acquisitions in relation to fiscal year-ends, leveraging enhanced first-year allowances, and anticipating legislative changes, businesses can significantly impact their tax liabilities and overall financial strategy.

In navigating these decisions, it’s essential to integrate tax planning with broader business objectives, ensuring that asset purchases support operational needs while also maximizing tax benefits. As tax laws and business environments evolve, a proactive and informed approach to timing asset purchases will continue to be a critical component of successful tax strategy for family-owned enterprises in Canada.


Enhanced First-Year Allowances: A Game-Changer for Canadian Family-Owned Enterprises

In recent years, the Canadian government has introduced enhanced first-year allowances as part of its broader strategy to stimulate economic growth, encourage investment in productive assets, and support environmental sustainability. These measures significantly amplify the benefits of the Capital Cost Allowance (CCA) system for family-owned enterprises, offering a potent tool for tax planning and financial optimization. Understanding and leveraging these enhanced allowances can dramatically reduce taxable income in the year of asset acquisition, fostering a conducive environment for business expansion and innovation.

The Nature of Enhanced First-Year Allowances

Enhanced first-year allowances are designed to accelerate the depreciation rate for certain assets in the year they are put into use. Unlike standard CCA rules, which typically apply the half-year rule in the first year, these enhanced allowances allow businesses to claim a substantially higher deduction in the year of purchase. This immediate increase in deductible expenses can lead to significant tax savings, improving cash flow and reducing the payback period for investment in new assets.

Types of Enhanced First-Year Allowances

The Canadian tax system has introduced various forms of enhanced first-year allowances, each targeting specific types of assets or sectors. One of the most impactful is the Accelerated Investment Incentive, which effectively allows businesses to claim up to one-and-a-half times the normal CCA rate in the first year for most classes of assets. Other examples include incentives for clean energy equipment, which permit a full 100% deduction in the first year, aligning financial incentives with environmental objectives.

Strategic Implications for Family-Owned Enterprises

For family-owned enterprises, these enhanced allowances open up strategic avenues for tax planning and investment. By timing the purchase of eligible assets to coincide with periods of high income, businesses can maximize their tax deductions and potentially lower their overall tax bracket. This strategy not only provides immediate financial relief but also aligns with long-term investment in sustainability and efficiency.

Navigating Eligibility and Application

Determining eligibility for enhanced first-year allowances requires careful consideration of the specific criteria associated with each incentive. Assets must typically be new and used in Canada to qualify, and different rules may apply depending on the asset class and the business sector. Moreover, the claim process involves detailed documentation and adherence to specific filing deadlines, underscoring the importance of meticulous record-keeping and timely tax filing.

Case Studies: Enhanced First-Year Allowances in Action

Consider a scenario where a family-owned manufacturing business invests in new, energy-efficient machinery classified under Class 43.1, eligible for a 100% first-year allowance. By making this strategic investment, the business can deduct the entire cost of the machinery from its taxable income in the year of purchase, providing a significant tax saving that can be reinvested into further growth or innovation.

Another example might involve a small agri-business purchasing new farming equipment eligible for the Accelerated Investment Incentive. By leveraging this enhanced allowance, the business can claim an additional 50% of the CCA in the first year, on top of the standard deduction, effectively reducing its taxable income and supporting its capacity for future expansion.

Challenges and Considerations

While the benefits of enhanced first-year allowances are clear, businesses must navigate several challenges to fully capitalize on them. These challenges include staying abreast of changes in tax legislation, accurately assessing the eligibility of assets, and integrating tax planning with broader financial and operational strategies. The dynamic nature of tax laws means that incentives can evolve, requiring ongoing vigilance and adaptability.

Future Outlook and Legislative Changes

The landscape of enhanced first-year allowances is subject to change, as government priorities shift in response to economic, environmental, and social considerations. Future legislative amendments may introduce new incentives or modify existing ones, emphasizing the need for businesses to remain informed and agile in their tax planning approaches.

Practical Tips for Maximizing Benefits

  • Stay Informed: Regularly review updates to tax legislation and consult with tax professionals to understand the latest opportunities for enhanced allowances.
  • Plan Purchases Strategically: Align the acquisition of eligible assets with periods of high income to maximize tax deductions and support financial goals.
  • Document Thoroughly: Maintain detailed records of asset purchases, usage, and eligibility criteria to support claims for enhanced allowances.
  • Integrate With Broader Strategy: Consider how investments eligible for enhanced allowances fit within the overall business strategy, including operational efficiencies, sustainability goals, and long-term growth plans.

Enhanced first-year allowances represent a critical opportunity for Canadian family-owned enterprises to accelerate their tax deductions, improve cash flow, and invest strategically in their growth and sustainability. By understanding the nuances of these incentives and integrating them into comprehensive tax planning, businesses can leverage these tools to not only reduce their tax liabilities but also to position themselves advantageously for the future.

In navigating the complexities of enhanced first-year allowances, the role of expert advice cannot be overstated. Consulting with tax professionals who specialize in Canadian business taxation can provide invaluable insights, ensuring that family-owned enterprises make informed decisions that align with their ambitions and financial objectives. As we look to the future, the strategic use of these allowances will continue to be a key factor in the success and resilience of family-owned businesses across Canada.


Optimizing CCA Claims for Family-Owned Enterprises

In the complex landscape of Canadian taxation, family-owned enterprises face unique challenges and opportunities, especially when it comes to leveraging the Capital Cost Allowance (CCA) for optimal financial and tax benefits. The strategic use of CCA can significantly impact a business’s taxable income, cash flow, and long-term growth potential. This section outlines strategies and considerations for family-owned enterprises to maximize their CCA claims, ensuring they not only comply with tax regulations but also strategically benefit from them.

Tailoring CCA Optimization to Business Needs

Each family-owned enterprise has distinctive operational needs, financial goals, and asset portfolios. Tailoring CCA optimization strategies to these unique aspects can enhance tax savings and support business objectives. This customization involves a thorough analysis of the business’s asset acquisitions, income patterns, and future investment plans to identify the most advantageous CCA claims.

Understanding Asset Classes and Rates

A deep understanding of the various asset classes and their respective CCA rates is foundational to optimizing claims. Assets must be accurately classified to ensure that businesses maximize their CCA deductions without risking non-compliance with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) regulations. Family-owned enterprises should regularly review their asset classifications, especially when acquiring new assets or when there are changes in tax laws affecting CCA rates.

Strategic Asset Acquisition and Timing

The timing of asset purchases can significantly influence the amount of CCA claimed in a given tax year. Enterprises should consider the timing of substantial asset acquisitions, aligning them with periods of higher income to maximize tax deductions. Additionally, understanding and applying the half-year rule, as well as taking advantage of enhanced first-year allowances when available, can further optimize tax outcomes.

Leveraging Enhanced First-Year Allowances

Enhanced first-year allowances offer an opportunity to accelerate depreciation deductions, reducing taxable income more significantly in the year of purchase. Family-owned enterprises should stay informed about these opportunities, including specific eligibility criteria and application deadlines, to ensure they do not miss out on these beneficial allowances.

Effective Use of CCA in Estate and Succession Planning

For many family-owned enterprises, succession planning includes the transfer of business assets from one generation to the next. CCA can play a vital role in this process, particularly in the strategic disposal and acquisition of assets to manage the tax implications of transfers. Structuring these transactions to optimize CCA claims can result in substantial tax savings, facilitating a smoother transition and preserving wealth within the family.

Integrating CCA Strategy with Overall Tax Planning

CCA optimization should not be considered in isolation but as part of the broader tax and financial planning strategy of the enterprise. This integrated approach ensures that decisions regarding asset purchases, disposals, and CCA claims support the overall objectives of the business, including cash flow management, investment in growth, and minimization of tax liabilities.

Case Study: Implementing a CCA Optimization Strategy

Imagine a family-owned construction business planning to upgrade its equipment and machinery. By consulting with tax professionals, the business identifies a strategy to purchase new equipment in a year when it expects higher revenue, taking advantage of enhanced first-year allowances for certain assets. This strategic timing not only maximizes CCA deductions but also aligns with the company’s cash flow and investment goals, supporting its expansion plans and optimizing its tax position.

Challenges in CCA Optimization

Optimizing CCA claims involves navigating several challenges, including keeping up with changes in tax laws, accurately classifying assets, and managing the timing of purchases and disposals. The complexity of these tasks underscores the importance of seeking expert advice and leveraging specialized tax software to ensure accuracy and compliance.

Engaging with Tax Professionals

Given the intricacies of tax laws and the significant impact of CCA on a business’s financial health, engaging with tax professionals is crucial. These experts can provide tailored advice, help navigate the complexities of CCA claims, and ensure that family-owned enterprises take full advantage of available tax benefits.

Optimizing CCA claims is a critical component of the tax strategy for family-owned enterprises in Canada. By understanding and strategically applying the rules and allowances within the CCA framework, businesses can significantly reduce their taxable income, enhance cash flow, and support their long-term growth and succession plans. Tailoring the approach to the unique needs and goals of the business, staying informed about tax law changes, and consulting with tax professionals are essential steps in maximizing the benefits of CCA for family-owned enterprises. With careful planning and strategic execution, these businesses can navigate the complexities of taxation to achieve financial success and sustainability.


Case Study: Successful CCA Strategy in Action

In the realm of tax planning and optimization, the strategic use of the Capital Cost Allowance (CCA) can yield significant benefits, particularly during complex financial transactions like mergers and acquisitions, as well as in the strategic acquisition of assets. Below are two case studies that showcase how expert advice and strategic planning led to substantial tax savings for clients.

Case Study 1: Strategic Asset Acquisition in a Merger and Acquisition Transaction

In a notable merger and acquisition transaction, Shajani CPA, our seasoned accounting firm, provided advisory services to a client acquiring a competitor. The focus was on structuring the acquisition to maximize CCA benefits, an intricate process involving the meticulous timing of the acquisition and strategic allocation of purchase costs to various asset classes.

The Challenge

The client sought to acquire a significant number of assets from a competitor, aiming to expand its operational capacity while also seeking to optimize tax implications through the CCA. The primary challenge was to structure the acquisition in a manner that maximized CCA deductions, thereby reducing taxable income and enhancing cash flow post-acquisition.

The Strategy

Shajani CPA embarked on a detailed analysis of the assets involved in the transaction, categorizing them into appropriate CCA classes to leverage the highest possible depreciation rates. The firm meticulously planned the timing of the acquisition to coincide with the end of the fiscal year, taking advantage of the half-year rule for maximizing first-year CCA claims.

Moreover, Shajani CPA advised on allocating a larger portion of the purchase price to assets with higher CCA rates, such as machinery and equipment, rather than to real estate, which typically offers lower CCA rates. This strategic cost allocation not only optimized the CCA claims in the initial years following the acquisition but also aligned with the client’s operational expansion goals.

The Outcome

The strategic advice and planning by Shajani CPA resulted in significant tax savings for the client. The optimized CCA deductions reduced the taxable income substantially in the critical initial years following the merger, enhancing the company’s cash flow and facilitating a smoother integration of the acquired assets into its operations.

Case Study 2: Advising on Asset Purchases for a Manufacturing Client

A manufacturing client, planning to invest in new assets to enhance its production capacity and sustainability, consulted Shajani CPA for advice on asset selection and the timing of purchases. The goal was to leverage government incentives for environmental assets and align the asset acquisitions with the company’s profitability forecast to maximize CCA benefits.

The Challenge

The client faced the dual challenge of identifying assets that would not only serve its operational and environmental sustainability goals but also qualify for enhanced first-year allowances and other government incentives. Additionally, the timing of these acquisitions needed to be optimized against the backdrop of the company’s projected profitability to ensure the maximum tax benefit.

The Strategy

Shajani CPA conducted a comprehensive review of the client’s operational needs, government incentives for environmental assets, and the CCA framework. The firm identified a range of assets that qualified for enhanced CCA rates under the Accelerated Investment Incentive program and other government incentives targeting environmental sustainability.

Advising on the precise timing, Shajani CPA recommended the client to proceed with the acquisition in a fiscal year when the company projected higher profits. This strategic timing ensured that the CCA deductions would offset the higher taxable income, maximizing the tax savings. Additionally, by selecting assets that were eligible for enhanced first-year allowances, the client could claim a significant deduction in the year of purchase, further reducing its taxable income.

The Outcome

The advice provided by Shajani CPA enabled the client to make informed decisions about asset purchases, leading to optimized tax benefits through significant CCA claims. The strategic timing of the acquisitions, aligned with the company’s profitability forecast, maximized the CCA deductions. The client not only benefited from immediate tax savings but also advanced its commitment to environmental sustainability, enhancing its corporate image and operational efficiency.

These case studies exemplify the importance of strategic planning and expert advice in leveraging the Capital Cost Allowance (CCA) to achieve significant tax savings. Whether navigating the complexities of a merger and acquisition or making strategic asset purchases, the value of consulting with knowledgeable professionals like Shajani CPA cannot be overstated. Through meticulous planning and strategic advice, businesses can optimize their tax positions, enhance cash flow, and align their investments with both operational goals and broader sustainability objectives.



Navigating the intricacies of the Capital Cost Allowance (CCA) presents both challenges and opportunities for Canadian family-owned enterprises. Through the strategic acquisition and management of assets, businesses can significantly reduce their taxable income, enhance cash flow, and position themselves for sustainable growth. The detailed exploration of CCA rules, including understanding asset classes, optimizing claims through strategic timing, leveraging enhanced first-year allowances, and integrating these strategies within broader tax planning and business objectives, underscores the importance of expert guidance in maximizing tax benefits.

The case studies of Shajani CPA’s advisory on a complex merger and acquisition transaction, and strategic asset purchases for a manufacturing client, illustrate the tangible benefits of leveraging CCA optimally. These examples highlight the critical role of meticulous planning, strategic timing, and alignment with government incentives in achieving substantial tax savings and supporting business expansion and sustainability goals.

Call to Action

For Canadian family-owned enterprises looking to navigate the complexities of CCA and maximize their tax savings, the path forward involves more than just understanding the basics. It requires a strategic partner who can provide expert advice, tailored to the unique needs and ambitions of your business.

Shajani CPA, with its proven track record in advising clients on successfully leveraging CCA benefits, stands ready to guide your enterprise through the complexities of tax planning and asset management. Our expertise extends beyond just tax compliance, offering strategic insights that align with your business goals, from operational expansion to sustainability and beyond.

We invite you to reach out to us to explore how we can support your business in:

  • Strategically timing your asset purchases to align with fiscal considerations and tax-saving opportunities.
  • Maximizing your CCA claims through accurate asset classification and leveraging enhanced first-year allowances.
  • Integrating CCA optimization within your broader tax and financial planning strategies, ensuring a holistic approach to business growth and sustainability.
  • Navigating complex transactions, such as mergers and acquisitions, with a keen eye on maximizing tax advantages while supporting your business objectives.

Let’s embark on this journey together. Contact Shajani CPA today to schedule a consultation. Tell us your ambitions, and we will guide you there, ensuring your business not only thrives in the current tax landscape but is also poised for future success.

Your ambitions are our mission. With Shajani CPA, you gain more than just a tax advisor; you gain a strategic partner committed to guiding your family-owned enterprise to new heights. Reach out now to begin crafting your path to optimized tax benefits and sustained business growth.


This information is for discussion purposes only and should not be considered professional advice. There is no guarantee or warrant of information on this site and it should be noted that rules and laws change regularly. You should consult a professional before considering implementing or taking any action based on information on this site. Call our team for a consultation before taking any action. ©2024 Shajani CPA.

Shajani CPA is a CPA Calgary, Edmonton and Red Deer firm and provides Accountant, Bookkeeping, Tax Advice and Tax Planning service.

Nizam Shajani, Partner, LLM, CPA, CA, TEP, MBA

I enjoy formulating plans that help my clients meet their objectives. It's this sense of pride in service that facilitates client success which forms the culture of Shajani CPA.

Shajani Professional Accountants has offices in Calgary, Edmonton and Red Deer, Alberta. We’re here to support you in all of your personal and business tax and other accounting needs.